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Expanded Learning Division

California’s Expanded Learning programs are an integral part of young people’s education, engaging them in year-round learning opportunities that prepare them for college, career, and life.

Michael R. Funk, Director

Phone: 916-319-0923
Fax: 916-319-0221

The Expanded Learning Division is part of the Opportunities for All Branch.

Related Links

21st Century Community Learning Centers
Provides funding for programs to focus on academic achievement, enrichment, and family literacy. Eligible entities include districts, cities, counties, community-based organizations and others.

After School Education & Safety Program
Provides funds to schools and districts that collaborate with community partners to provide safe and educationally enriching alternatives for children and youths during nonschool hours.

Questions:   Expanded Learning Division | 916-319-0923
Last Reviewed: Thursday, May 16, 2024
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