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Educational Data Management Division

Provides leadership within CDE to manage its data, collects demographic data from districts and schools, and assists the field in their use of technology to improve learning.

Liberty Van Natten, Director

Phone: 916-324-1214
Fax: 916-323-5110

The Educational Data Management Division is part of the Information and Technology Branch.

Related Links

Accessing Educational Data
Access publicly available data about California’s public schools, students, and teachers, including regarding the following areas: enrollment, graduation and dropout information, suspension rates, chronic absenteeism rates, course enrollments, staffing and data regarding English learners.

California Longitudinal Pupil Achievement Data System (CALPADS)
A system that allows for tracking a student's academic performance over time.

California School Information Services (CSIS)
Contains information about the funded initiative to transfer student records electronically from participating school districts and to allow state reporting from electronic records.

Compliance Monitoring
Information regarding the state and federal law requirements for the California Department of Education (CDE) to monitor the implementation of categorical programs operated by local educational agencies (LEAs).

Consolidated Application
A two-part application and reporting process for multiple state and federal, formula-driven, categorical program funds submitted by county offices, school districts, and direct-funded charter schools.

Education Technology
Provides assistance to schools and districts in integrating technology with teaching and learning.

Uniform Complaint Procedures
The responsibilities of the complainant, the local educational agency, and the California Department of Education according to California Code of Regulations, Title 5, sections 4600-4687.

Questions:   Educational Data Management Division | 916-324-1214
Last Reviewed: Thursday, May 23, 2024