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Management Bulletin 02-17

Early Education and Support Division

Subject: Preschool Services Act of 2001

Number: 02-17

Date: September 3, 2002

Expires: Until Rescinded

Authority: Assembly Bill 1539—Chapter 629, Statutes of 2001 and Education Code Sections 8282, 8499.10, 56435, 56449, and 58930

Attention: All Child Care and Development Contractors Providing Center-based and/or Family Child Care Home Network Services


The purpose of this Management Bulletin is to announce new requirements for the sharing of summary health and developmental data to parents and kindergarten programs from child care and development programs.


The Preschool Services Act of 2001 (Chapter 629—Statutes of 2001) created new requirements for the transfer of certain health, social, and assessment information for children transitioning from state-funded Center-based and Family Child Care Home Network programs to local public schools.

Statutory Requirements

Effective January 1, 2002, state-funded Center-based and Family Child Care Home Network programs must provide the parent or guardian with summary information about the child's preschool experience from the previous year if the child will be transferring to a local public school. With the permission of the parent or guardian, these programs may transfer this information to the child's elementary school. 

The information to be provided to parents or guardians and local public schools includes, but is not limited to, developmental issues, social interaction abilities, health background, and diagnostic assessments deemed beneficial to the child and the public school teacher. Such information should include a summary of the results of the new Desired Results Developmental Profile (DRDP).

This Management Bulletin also contains a sample form (Attachment A) programs may use to summarize the information for use by parents and local public schools.

The Preschool Services Act of 2001 also contains language relating to the transfer of summary information for children with exceptional needs who are transitioning to a local public school. The Child Development Division (CDD)-funded programs should work with local education agencies (LEAs) and/or Regional Centers to coordinate the transition process for children with exceptional needs, including the provision of relevant health, social, and developmental information via the Individualized Family Service Plan (IFSP) or Individualized Education Program (IEP) process.

Any questions regarding this Management Bulletin may be addressed to your assigned Field Services Unit Consultant (see Attachment B, California Department of Education, Early Education and Support Division/Field Services Units, County Assignment List).


  1. Sample Child Summary Data Form

  2. Early Education and Support Division/Field Services Units, County Assignment List

Sample Child Summary Data Form


Child's Name:

Date of Birth:

Summary Developmental Information:

Summary Social Interaction Information:

Summary Health Background Information:

Diagnostic Assessments Attached:  _____Yes  _____No

Desired Results Developmental Profile Summary Attached: _____Yes  _____No

The California Department of Education Elementary Resources Web page at has information to help families and educators with transition efforts.

This Management Bulletin is mandatory only to the extent that it cites a specific statutory and/or regulatory requirement. Any portion of this Management Bulletin that is not supported by a specific statutory and/or regulatory requirement is not prescriptive pursuant to Education Code 33308.5.

Questions:   Early Education and Support Division | 916-322-6233
Last Reviewed: Friday, January 24, 2025