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Subsidized Provider Report (SPR) Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs).

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Questions Applicable to Providers
Questions Applicable to Contractors
SPR Overview and Online Resources
Submission Schedule
File Format and Contents
Data Definitions
Submission Process

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Questions Applicable to Providers

Why are you collecting my information?

Family child care providers are vital to California’s early care and education system, and a statewide list helps decision makers better understand the current family child care workforce.

In the passage of the 2019–20 Budget, the Administration and Legislature have passed a law that requires agencies to provide the names and contact information for all family childcare providers who provide care to families who utilize child care subsidies. The Governor and Legislators intend to create an accurate and comprehensive statewide list of family childcare providers who currently serve families receiving state-funded subsidies. This information may be used to help contact you and/or the families you serve during an emergency (such as a fire or earthquake) and may be used as necessary to meet the requirements of the Child Care and Development Block Grant.

Additionally, the Legislature and Administration stated in Senate Bill 75 their intent to enact legislation granting family child care providers the right to democratically elect a provider organization to collectively bargain with the State. To this end, the state’s list of family childcare providers serving families who receive subsidies can be provided to  provider organizations recognized by the state. This list of providers will remain confidential and may only be used by provider organizations as allowed by law.  

Does my information have to be shared?

Agencies are required by law to submit to the California Department of Education (CDE) information for all family childcare providers who serve families receiving state-funded subsidies. You may find the applicable California Education Code (EC) sections that provide these requirements in the document Notice to Providers, Attachment A (DOCX).

When are you collecting my information?

Agencies will be submitting provider information to the CDE on a recurring monthly basis beginning August 19, 2019.

Will my information be kept confidential?

Provider organizations that are authorized by the state to receive this provider list must agree to strict confidentiality protections and can use the list only for communicating about a narrow set of functions.

The CDE will maintain provider information confidentiality. For more information regarding how the CDE shares information with provider organizations, contact the CDE by e-mail at

What can I do if I don’t want my information shared with a provider organization?

Agencies are required by a newly enacted law (EC 8432) to submit provider business and/or personal information to the CDE to meet new state law requirements. For more information, contact the CDE by e-mail at

1430 N. Street, Suite 3410
Attn: CDMIS Support
Sacramento, CA 95814

Questions Applicable to Contractors

How do I handle a question from a provider who does not want to share their information?

A provider must share their information with the CDE. Agencies should not have a position on whether or not providers opt out of sharing their information with a state authorized provider organization. If the provider has questions about who will receive the information, please direct provider questions and concerns to the Child Development Management Information System (CDMIS) Support by e-mail at

Can agencies obtain a list of provider organizations who will be receiving family childcare provider information?

Under Education Code Section 8432, the Public Employment Relations Board (PERB) determines if an entity is deemed a provider organization. Entities seeking such designation must apply to the PERB for this designation. The PERB decides within 10 days of receiving the application if the entity meets the requirements to be a provider organization. Agencies may ask the PERB for a list of provider organizations. SB 75 does not require agencies to have a list of provider organizations.

Is Attachment A: Relevant Code Sections available in other languages?

At this time, the CDE does not have a plan to translate Attachment A: Relevant Code sections.

Will the Notice to Providers be translated into additional languages?

The Notice to Providers is currently available in English (DOCX) and Spanish (DOCX). At this time, the CDE does not plan to translate the Notice to Providers into additional languages.

The Notice to Providers template includes a field for the CDE Vendor Number. Why should I enter the CDE Vendor Number on the Notice to Providers?

The CDE Vendor Number field is included on the Notice to Providers for administrative purposes. Providers have the option to contact CDMIS Support for questions or concerns regarding the SPR. The CDE Vendor Number field allows for CDMIS Support to verify providers affiliated with state-funded programs when they contact CDMIS Support.

Are we allowed to submit the address information for small family child care home providers in the SPR?

Effective July 1, 2019, the California Health and Safety Code Section 1596.86 was updated to include authority for small family child care home address information to be shared for the purposes described in law.

Do we have to submit the report now? This seems preemptive. I thought that the legislation still has not passed.

As a result of the passage of SB 75 (Statutes of 2019), which was effective July 1, 2019, with the passage of the budget, the CDE is required to collect the information in the SPR.

Does the Notice to Provider need to be on official agency letterhead? Can we mail the template that was provided?

Agencies can put the Notice to Providers on their own letterhead. However, the content of the Notice to Providers should not change.

What happens if an agency does not meet the reporting deadlines?

Agencies are required to adhere to the SPR reporting schedule. Agencies experiencing difficulty with completing the SPR according to the schedule provided are encouraged to contact CDMIS Support for assistance


SPR Overview and Online Resources

Which agencies are required to submit the SPR?

The SPR is required for agencies who administer their contracts with license-exempt individuals and family child care home providers as defined by the California Education Code (EC) Section 8431(a)(1).

Agencies who operate center-based programs and do not administer Early Education Division (EED) contracts with the use of providers as defined by EC 8431 are not required to submit the SPR.

Should the SPR include the amount that providers were reimbursed during a given report period?

Agencies are not required to report the amount a provider was reimbursed during the report period in the SPR.

What does the 801A have to do with the SPR?

The SPR and the CDD-801A report are two different reports submitted through the CDMIS. The CDD-801A report is required for all agencies receiving funding through a contract with the EED. The SPR is required only for those agencies who administer their EED contracts with family child care home providers as defined by EC 8431.

We operate a General Child Care (CCTR) contract using family child care home providers. Do we submit the SPR?

Yes. The SPR is required for agencies who administer their contracts with license-exempt individuals and family child care home providers as defined by EC 8431.

We operate a California State Preschool Program (CSPP) at a Local Educational Agency (LEA).  Do we submit the SPR?

Agencies who operate center-based programs and do not administer EED contracts with the use of providers as defined in EC 8431 are not required to submit the SPR.

Submission Schedule

When are reports due for the SPR?

Please refer to the SPR Submission Schedule web page for more information about report periods and due dates.

Fiscal Year (FY) 2018-19 ended. Do we need to go back and submit an SPR for June 2019?

The initial SPR submission will include three report months (April 2019, May 2019, and June 2019). Agencies must submit information for FY 2018-19 by the August 30, 2019 deadline.

Will the SPR lock to restrict data revision like the CDD-801A report?
Agencies are expected to submit accurate reports in accordance with the deadlines provided. The SPR will not lock to prevent data entry.

File Format and Contents

Can I enter column headers?

No. The first row of data in the SPR file must contain provider information. Files that contain a header row do not follow the file format specifications in the SPR Technical Manual and will be rejected.

Does the file name have a specific format?

The SPR does not have a required file naming convention.

Are we reporting based on service month or payment date?

Each SPR must contain data for all providers paid during the Report Year/Month in the file. Providers who received an adjusted payment, but did not care for children during the report period should still be included in the SPR. If a provider cared for children during a report period but was not paid, the provider would not appear in the SPR until the report period of their payment.

If the field is optional can we remove the column?

All fields indicated in the SPR Technical Manual must appear in the file, even if the entire column contains blank values.

If the file format is incorrect will my report be saved?

Files that do not adhere to the file format will not be saved.

Can I include three report periods in a single file, or do they have to be three separate reports?

The SPR file should contain one record for each provider paid during a single Report Year/Month indicated. Agencies must submit three separate files for April 2019, May 2019 and June 2019 by August 30, 2019.

Most agencies have two payment runs per month. Will we be able to submit updates to previous SPR submissions to account for late payments?

Each SPR should contain all payments made during the prior month. The SPR is due on the 20th of the month following payment. All payments for the report period should be completed before an agency submits the SPR.

Is there a file template available for the SPR?

Agencies may send a request for an SPR template to CDMIS Support via e-mail at

Data Definitions

What is the difference between the Report Year/Month and the Subsidy Start Date?

The Report Year/Month information field indicates the month and year during which a provider received a state-funded subsidy for child care services.

The Subsidy Start Date information field indicates the first day a provider received a state-funded subsidy for child care services.

How should the Provider First Name and Provider Last Name be reported if the family child care home is doing business as (“dba”) "ABC Child Care"?

Each family child care home has a licensed person assigned to a designated provider. The name of the licensee should be included in the Provider First Name and Provider Last Name information fields.

How should the Provider First Name and Provider Last Name be reported if the center is doing business as (“dba”) "ABC Child Care"?

Agencies who operate center-based programs and do not administer EED contracts with the use of family child care home providers are not required to submit the SPR.

The SPR is required for agencies who administer their contracts with license-exempt individuals and family child care home providers as defined by EC 8431.

Is the Subsidy End Date the last day we paid the provider, or the last day the provider cared for children?

The Subsidy End Date information field indicates the last date a provider received a state-funded subsidy for child care.

How far back should I report the Subsidy Start Date?

Agencies should report the earliest known Subsidy Start Date available.

Do I update the Subsidy Start Date each fiscal year?

No. The Subsidy Start Date information field indicates the first day a provider was paid by the agency for providing state-subsidized child care services.

What should I enter for the Subsidy Start Date and Subsidy End Date if a provider has a break in care?

The Subsidy Start Date should always reflect the first known date the provider received a state-funded subsidy for child care from the agency. The Subsidy End Date should be completed only if the agency knows that a provider will receive no future payments from the agency.

Who assigns the Local Provider Identification Number?

The Local Provider Identification Number is a number that is assigned by each EED contractor by the agency.

What do I enter for Subsidy End Date if I do not know that a provider has permanently stopped providing care?

Agencies should enter a Subsidy End Date only if it is known and available.

What do I enter for Subsidy End Date if a Provider has stopped providing subsidy care, but the final payment has not yet been issued?

The Subsidy End Date information field indicates the last date a provider received a state-funded subsidy. If a provider has not received their final state-funded subsidy, the Subsidy End Date information field should remain blank.

Submission Process

Where do I submit the SPR?

The SPR is available to all users of the CDMIS.

Will there be a Test website to test my SPR file?

Agencies may test their SPR using the real-time processing available on the CDMIS website.

Will I have the ability to re-submit previous SPRs?

Agencies are expected to submit accurate reports in accordance with the deadlines provided.

I use the Input/Edit and Copy Forward method to submit the CDD-801A report. Can I use the web input method for the SPR?

Agencies must submit an electronic file to fulfill the SPR requirements. There is no web input screen for the SPR.

Questions:   CDMIS Office |
Last Reviewed: Friday, October 4, 2024
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