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End-of-Year Data Submission Notification

Guidelines for submitting end-of-year Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act, Title II data.

Attention: California Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act, Title II: Adult Education and Family Literacy Act Funded Agencies:

End-of-Year Data Submissions for 2021–22

This notice serves as a reminder and to assist adult education agencies funded under the California Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA), Title II: Adult Education and Family Literacy Act sections 225, 231 and Integrated English Literacy and Civics Education Section 243. For a list of all due dates and required submissions, please access the Program and Accountability Requirements, posted on the California Department of Education website. Data-related submissions sent to our contractor, the Comprehensive Adult Student Assessment Systems (CASAS), must be received on or before July 15, 2022.

Any agency closing or ending the school year before June 30, 2022, must complete its data through the last day of classes and submit all end-of-year deliverables on or before July 15, 2022. Failure to submit any 2021–22 deliverables will affect current year payments and future funding.

After agencies submit the end-of-year data on July 15, 2021, all data submission disputes must be resolved no later than August 1, 2022.

Adult schools with high school diploma programs can claim students “Earned High School Diplomas” only when they have successfully completed all coursework required by the state and local districts.

Agencies must submit the following data and accountability requirements (see Submitting Complete and Accurate Data for additional recommendations and troubleshooting tips):

  1. Complete the TOPSpro® Enterprise Adult Education Personnel information for the 2021–22 Program Year (PY) in TOPSpro® Enterprise (Data Submission Instructions).
  2. Complete the fourth quarter Employment and Earnings Survey requirement for the 2021–22 PY (Data Submission Instructions).
  3. Verify all student data is complete and accurate before submitting your end-of-year TOPSpro® Enterprise data.
  4. Complete the Quarterly Data Submission Wizard in TOPSpro® Enterprise for the End-of-Year Submission, (Data Submission Instructions).
  5. Verify, complete, and submit (via email) to the Official Payment Points Certification Letter by August 1, 2022. CASAS will email agencies the Official Payment Points Certification Letter once the CASAS has received all Data Submission requirements.

Please ensure your agency’s submissions reach the CASAS on or before July 15, 2022. Your agency’s primary contact should receive an email confirmation from the CASAS for each of these deliverables within one week of the date received. If you do not receive a confirmation for a specific deliverable, it was probably not received by the CASAS, and agencies should follow up with the CASAS to avoid noncompliance issues.


Agencies with High School Equivalency (HSE) Programs should note that the High School Equivalency and Outreach Office at the California Department of Education will perform a data match to confirm HSE outcomes reported to CASAS. This may result in a decline in HSE outcomes used to calculate payment points in cases where there is no match.

Agencies with High School Diploma Programs: Agencies can mark “Earned High School Diploma” when student has successfully completed all coursework required by the state and local districts. Agencies should also include the students HSE ID in TOPSpro® Enterprise.

If you need further assistance, please contact the CASAS California Accountability Program Manager by phone at 800-255-1036 or by email at

Questions:   Adult Education Office | | 916-322-2175
Last Reviewed: Tuesday, June 11, 2024
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