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Management Bulletin 09-19

Early Learning and Care Division

Subject: Update About the Desired Results Developmental Profile–School-Age© (2009)

Number: 09-19

Date: October 15, 2009

Expires: Until Rescinded

Authority: California Education Code Sections 8203, 8203.5, 8261, and 8282; California Code of Regulations, Title 5, Section 18272

Attention: Executive Directors and Program Directors of all Child Care and Development Programs Serving School-Age Children


The purpose of this Management Bulletin (MB) is to:

  1. Inform programs that the Desired Results Developmental Profile–School-Age© (2009) [DRDP-SA© (2009)] has been simplified;
  2. Inform programs that the simplified instrument is available for use, and where it can be obtained;
  3. Instruct programs that the simplified instrument may be used by California Department of Education (CDE) Early Learning and Care Division (ELCD) contractors serving school-age children beginning in fall 2009.


In 2001, Management Bulletin 01-06 provided information to ELCD child care and development contractors regarding the system of Desired Results (DR) for Children and Families. The DR system is composed of several components. The centerpiece of the system is the Desired Results Developmental Profile© (DRDP©), an observation-based assessment instrument for teachers to use to document children’s progress in the programs, to plan curriculum for individual children and groups of children, and to guide program improvement.

Programs began utilizing the DRDP© to observe and assess children’s progress in 2002. When its use began, there were seven distinct DRDP© instruments to be used for children in different age categories ranging from birth to age 14. The 2003 Budget Act eliminated services to 13 year olds. ELCD contractors were informed of this change in Management Bulletin 03-12.    

Effective September 2003, regulations governing the DR system were promulgated. Information regarding these regulations was transmitted to child care and development contractors in Management Bulletin 04-08 at That Management Bulletin covered definitions, requirements, and dates for completion of DRDP©s by programs, as well as program requirements for staff development, parent involvement, parent surveys, use of environmental rating scales, and program self-evaluations.

The regulations governing the DR system were revised effective August 2008. Information regarding those revisions to the DR regulations was transmitted to child care and development contractors in Management Bulletin 08-12 at Those regulation amendments changed the required frequency for DRDP©s to be completed for children in CDE-funded programs.

Regulatory Requirements

California Code of Regulations, Title 5, Section 18272, as amended, requires center-based and family child care home education network contractors to complete the age-appropriate DRDP© for each child enrolled in the program for at least ten hours per week. The DRDP© must be completed for each child within 60 calendar days of the child’s enrollment in the program, and at least once every six months thereafter.

Simplified DRDP© for School-Age Children

Contractors providing before- and after-school program services to children in ELCD-funded are required to use the DRDP© to assess children’s progress, and to plan and conduct developmentally appropriate activities. The previous instrument for school-age children, DRDP-R SA©, consisted of 31 measures that included academic domains typically assessed by Kindergarten through twelfth grade (K-12) teachers. The new instrument for school-age children, DRDP-SA© (2009), has been simplified to eliminate duplications of K-12 assessments. DRDP-SA© (2009) retains the nine measures in social-emotional development and the four measures in health and safety – for a total of only 13 measures in all. These 13 measures have the same form and content as before, but they have been reordered within the instrument to be consistent with the order of measures in the new preschool instrument, DRDP-PS© (2010). Although briefer and simpler to use, the DRDP-SA© (2009) will still provide program staff with the critical information about children needed to guide and support program planning and improvement.

Effective October 2009, ELCD-funded contractors serving school-age children may begin to use the simplified DRDP-SA© (2009) instrument. Please note, programs still have the option to use the longer 31 measure DRDP-SA© if they wish. Regardless of which version of the DRDP school-age instrument is used, the DRDP must be completed for each child within 60 calendar days of the child’s enrollment in the program and at least once every six months thereafter.

The revised DRDP-SA© (2009) can be accessed at the Desired Results Reference Materials and Forms web page at

If you have any questions regarding this subject, please contact your assigned ELCD Field Services Consultant at, or call the ELCD at 916-322-6233.

This Management Bulletin is mandatory only to the extent that it cites a specific statutory and/or regulatory requirement. Any portion of this Management Bulletin that is not supported by a specific statutory and/or regulatory requirement is not prescriptive pursuant to California Education Code Section 33308.5.

Questions:   Early Learning and Care Division | 916-322-6233
Last Reviewed: Friday, August 09, 2024
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