CASI September 2024 Charter Chat Resource Page
Information and resources from the September 2024 Charter Chat, presented by the Charter Authorizer Support Initiative (CASI).Charter Chat Topics
- Legislative Updates by Santa Clara County Office of Education
- Program Hot Topics
- Fiscal Hot Topics
- California Department of Education and State Board of Education Updates
- Upcoming Events
- Q&A from Previous Charter Chats and CASI Email
The information contained on this page is provided as a reference only. Charter schools and chartering authorities are encouraged to review the laws and regulations and consult with their own legal counsel regarding the application to their specific situations.
Legislative Updates by Santa Clara County Office of Education
The legislature recessed for this year. The new two-year legislative session will begin January 1, 2025.
Program Hot Topics
- Local Control and Accountability Plan (LCAP) Authorizer Posting Requirements
Pursuant to California Education Code (EC) Section 47604.33, each charter school’s LCAP is to be updated annually, approved by the charter school’s governing board, and submitted by July 1 of each year to the authorizing district and to the county office of education (COE), or only to the COE if the COE is its authorizer. Pursuant to EC Section 52065(a)(2), the superintendent of a school district shall “prominently post all local control and accountability plans submitted by charter schools that were authorized by the school district, or links to those plans, and any updates, revisions, or addenda, including those to comply with federal law, on the internet website of the school district.” Pursuant to EC Section 52065(b)(2), the county superintendent of schools shall “prominently post all local control and accountability plans submitted by school districts and charter schools, or links to those plans, on the internet website of the county office of education.” For additional guidance related to LCAP preparation and review, please visit the CASI Charter Chat Resource Page – June 2024. - LCAP Dashboard Posting Requirements
In October 2023, SB 609 amended EC Section 52065(c)(1)to require that all local educational agencies (LEAs) upload their most recent LCAP to the California School Dashboard (Dashboard), beginning with the 2024 Dashboard. Charter schools, specifically, must upload a PDF of the charter school’s LCAP that was adopted by the governing body of the charter school and submitted to its chartering authority and the COE, or only to the COE if the COE is the chartering authority. The following components of the LCAP for the 2024–25 LCAP year must be compiled as one PDF and assembled in the following order:
- Local Control Funding Formula (LCFF) Budget Overview for Parents
- 2023–24 LCAP Annual Update
- Plan Summary
- Engaging Educational Partners
- Goals and Actions
- Increased or Improved Services for Foster Youth, English Learners, and Low-income students
- Action Tables
- Instructions
The California Department of Education (CDE) will be opening the submission window for Dashboard Coordinators to upload a PDF of the LEA 2024–25 LCAP to the myCDEconnectunified system. The LCAP upload submission window will be open from October 14 through November 1, 2024. For further information regarding Dashboard Coordinators or the LCAP upload, please contact the Local Agency Systems Support Office by email at
- 2023–24 Assessment Results Preview and Public Release
The LEA preview of 2023–24 California Assessment of Student Performance and Progress (CAASPP) and English Language Proficiency Assessments for California (ELPAC) results is scheduled for September 18 through October 2, 2024. LEA coordinators received a letter with secure logon information on or before September 17, 2024. LEAs may share their results with their local governing board and LEA staff for local planning purposes. The CDE advises LEA coordinators not to share other LEAs’ 2023–24 results with the public until after the statewide public release of CAASPP and ELPAC results. The public release of results is scheduled to occur on or before October 15, 2024. For more information, please visit CDE Assessment Spotlight, Issue 291 – September 6, 2024. - Center for Learner Equity
The Center for Learner Equity issued “Equity-Minded Charter School Authorizing for Students with Disabilities”(PDF) based on its Charter School Equity, Growth, Quality, and Sustainability Study.
- English Learner Requirements—Home Language Survey
Pursuant to EC Section 52164.1(a), a home language survey is required to be completed only once, upon enrollment in a California public school, unless disputed by a parent or guardian. The determination of the primary language of a student via the home language survey begins a multi-step process to determine and assess a student’s English language proficiency. Please visit CDE Multilingual Learners Survey, Assessments, Programs, & Reclassification for more information.
Fiscal Hot Topics
- California Longitudinal Pupil Achievement Data System (CALPADS) Census Day Data
The official submission window for CALPADS Census Day Data is October 2 through December 13, 2024. As a reminder, Fall 1 attendance data is used to calculate unduplicated counts for the purpose of Local Control Funding Formula (LCFF) concentration and supplemental grant funding. Additional information can be found at CDE CALPADS Calendar. - Charter 20 Day Attendance Report (Charter 20 Day)
Pursuant to EC Section 47652, charter schools that submitted a 2024–25 Pupil Estimates for New or Significantly Expanding Charters (PENSEC) report must also complete the Charter 20 Day to receive Charter School Special Advance apportionment. The fiscal year (FY) 2024–25 Charter 20 Day and the signed certification are both due to the CDE by October 31, 2024. Additional information can be found at CDE Charter 20 Day Instructions, FY 2024–25. - Unaudited Actuals
Charter schools should have submitted to their authorizing agencies Unaudited Actuals Reports by September 15, 2024. Once received, district authorizers submitted the reports to their county offices for review and submission to CDE. County offices must transmit the report to CDE no later than October 15, 2024. Additional information can be found at Standardized Account Code Structure (SACS) System User Manual.
California Department of Education and State Board of Education Updates
- The Advisory Commission on Charter Schools (ACCS) meeting was held on August 6, 2024. The next ACCS meeting will be held on October 8, 2024.
- The State Board of Education (SBE) meeting was held on September 11, 2024. The next meeting will be held on November 13–14, 2024.
Upcoming Events
- Monthly CASI Charter Chat
- October 30, 2024, 10–11 a.m.
- Please note that the November 27, 2024 Charter Chat has been rescheduled to December 11, 2024, 10–11 a.m. The Zoom login information will remain the same.
- Authorizing 101 and/or Fiscal 101
Reach out to CASI at to arrange additional training on Zoom or in-person.
Other Charter Authorizer Events
Charter Connection Professional Learning Series
- Charter Renewals 2.0: Emerging Insights from the Field
- Presented by Fresno COE, San Bernardino COE and San Diego COE
- October 11, 2024, 9–11 a.m.
- Join us for an engaging 2-hour workshop where legal experts and practitioners come together to untangle the complexity of charter renewal. The session will begin with a comprehensive overview from a distinguished legal expert, who will explain key legal principles and emerging trends in charter renewals. This will be followed by a panel of experienced practitioners sharing early experiences from this new season of charter renewals. Participants will gain valuable insights into the intersection of theory and practice, enhancing their understanding of renewal challenges and solutions. No matter your role in charter oversight, this workshop will offer a unique opportunity to bridge the gap between legal theory and real-world application.
- Register in advance at Charter Connection Professional Learning Series Charter Renewals 2.0 Registration
, Password: SBCSS
- For more information, contact Dr. Jeffrey Hunt at
Charter Chat Q&A
Previous Charter Chats and CASI Email
Can authorizers consider updated publisher guidance related to State Board of Education (SBE)-approved verified data sources, such as guidance related to understanding one year’s progress? Is additional action from the SBE required?
At its May 2023 Meeting, the SBE adopted the Updated List of Valid and Reliable Assessments required by EC Section 47607.2. The May 2023 SBE Agenda Item 02 (DOCX) notes on page 19 that “This guidance represents the most recent information provided by publishers as of April 2023; however, schools and authorizers are encouraged to check with publishers for updates and changes.” Authorizers may consider updates and changes to publisher guidance related to SBE-approved verified data sources, including understanding one year’s progress, without further action from the SBE.
Does the Performance Category Data File distinguish between classroom-based and nonclassroom-based schools?
The Performance Category Data File includes both classroom-based and nonclassroom-based charter schools because both types of charter schools are subject to the same renewal criteria under state law.
Note, charter schools that have received Dashboard Alternative Schools Status (DASS) are not listed in the Performance Category Data File because they are subject to the renewal criteria per EC Section 47607(c)(7).
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