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Chapter Four Long Descriptions

Long descriptions for complex figures in chapter four of the California Practitioners’ Guide for Educating English Learners with Disabilities.

Figure 4.1

Figure 4.1 is a screenshot of a form titled: “English Learner Student Questionnaire: Language-Use” created by Gaviria and Tipton and included in the San Diego Unified School District’s CEP-EL: A Comprehensive Evaluation Process for English Learners: A Process Manual. The form has been adapted for 508 compliance and can be found in a fillable format in appendix 4.3 of this guide.

The screenshot shows the top part of the form, which has spaces to enter information about the student: name, identification number, Student L1 (Language other than English), age, grade, examiner name, and date Below the demographic information are three questions for the student to answer about themselves. To the right of each question are three responses with radial buttons to check for the response the student gives. The response selections are from left to right: English, L1, Both.

The source for the form is adapted from: A. Gaviria, and T. Tipton, CEP-EL: A Comprehensive Evaluation Process for English Learners: A Process Manual (San Diego: San Diego Unified School District, 2012, updated 2016).

Return to the California Practitioners' Guide for Educating English Learners with Disabilities (PDF; 6MB)


Figure 4.3

Figure 4.3 is a screenshot of a form titled: “English Learner Classroom Observation Checklist” created by Gaviria and Tipton for the San Diego Unified School District’s CEP-EL: A Comprehensive Evaluation Process for English Learners a Process Manual. The form has been adapted for 508 compliance and can be found in a fillable format in appendix 4.3 of this guide.

This screenshot shows the top part of the form, which has fillable boxes to enter: school name, observer’s name, teacher’s name, grade of the student, date and time, subject/period observed, and activity observed. Below these fillable boxes are a set of new fillable boxes to document information on “environment information.” Three questions, in successive order listed under each other, provide a space to document the following items observed in the classroom: schedule visible; risk taking, safe; and models of student work displayed.

The source for the form is adapted from: A. Gaviria, and T. Tipton, CEP-EL: A Comprehensive Evaluation Process for English Learners: A Process Manual (San Diego: San Diego Unified School District, 2012, updated 2016).

Return to the California Practitioners' Guide for Educating English Learners with Disabilities (PDF; 6MB)


Questions: Patrick Garcia-Smith | | 916-322-5101 
Last Reviewed: Wednesday, January 31, 2024
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