Education and Training - Youth Development
Youth Development and youth leadership are critical to helping youth with disabilities meet the challenges of adolescence and adulthood. This section focuses on study skills, learning styles and self-advocacy.Youth development and youth leadership are critical to helping youth with disabilities meet the challenges of adolescence and adulthood. It is important that they learn the leadership skills and self-advocacy skills needed for achieving their postsecondary education and training goals. This section focuses on study skills, learning styles and self-advocacy.
The National Secondary Transition Technical Assistance Center (NSTTAC) has identified evidence-based practices in secondary transition planning that lead to positive post-school outcomes in the area of education and training which are developing self-advocacy skills and study skills.
Transition Planning: The Basics
(PDF; 54MB)
Youth development and leadership are referenced on pages 22-23 and page 26.
These pages also provide information on how to comply with elements 1-6 of the Indicator 13 requirements of the California Annual Performance Report (APR)
Study Skills, Learning Styles
Provides learning style assessments, study skills hints and other resources for students.
Transition Assessment and Goal Generator
The Transition Assessment and Goal Generator (TAGG) is an online transition assessment with validity and reliability evidence, and it consists of Professional, Student, and Family versions for High School, Alternate, and Middle School. The TAGG automatically provides a norm-based graphic profile, present level of performance statement, lists of strengths and needs, and suggested IEP annual transition goals based on the identified greatest student needs.
Transition Coalition
Registration on this site would allow log in, and review of learning styles resources..
Tips for taking tests, study skills and note taking.
I’m Determined
Self-Advocacy resources, tools to prepare students to lead the Individualized Education Plan (IEP), goal setting tools.
National Consortium on Disability and Leadership for Youth
Am I Learning to Lead is a self-assessment of your leadership skills.
Self-Advocacy in College
California Career Center
Tips for determining accommodations you may need in school.
Self-Advocacy tips, Navigating College Handbook, and information and links to a variety of resources for all disabilities.
PepNet Tip Sheet: Transitioning to College describes the challenges a young person who is hearing impaired faces as they plan for college, PepNET – transition Curriculum to help youth who are hearing impaired plan their future.
Perkins Scout
An information clearinghouse on blindness and visual impairment. Downloadable transition tools and resources for students who are visually impaired or blind.
Disability etiquette tips for communicating with people with disabilities.