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CSI LEA Reporting Requirements

Comprehensive Support and Improvement (CSI) local educational agency (LEA) reporting requirements and due dates for each fiscal year (FY).

The Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA) requires state educational agencies to determine school eligibility for CSI. LEAs with schools that meet the criteria for CSI must collaborate with educational partners to locally develop and implement a plan to improve student outcomes. The county office of education also plays a role in providing technical assistance and support to LEAs within its county that serve schools that meet the criteria for CSI.

Grant Management and Reporting Tool (GMART) Log On
GMART is a web-based platform that allows LEAs to complete and submit applications for funding, modify funding plans, and submit required subgrant and federal reporting data.

GMART Instructions

Subgrant Reporting Requirements

As a condition of funding, the LEA must meet all subgrant reporting requirements for each FY funds. Actual expenditures for each performance period within the subgrant period shall be reported to the California Department of Education (CDE) as part of regular grant management and administration.

Federal Reporting Requirements

The CDE is required to meet federal reporting requirements under ESSA, Section 1003(i) for school improvement funds. LEAs receiving ESSA, Section 1003 funds for CSI are required to submit this data to the CDE by the due dates specified in the associated tables for each FY funds.

The sections below detail reporting information and timelines for each FY reporting requirements.

Subgrant and Federal Reporting Dates

Reporting At-a-Glance (all active FYs)

For more detailed information about reporting requirements, please view the specific FY for that information.

CSI LEA Reporting At-a-Glance (All active FYs)
Reporting Window Report Name
Report Open: July 1, 2024
Report Due: July 31, 2024
  • FY 2022: Report 4

  • FY 2023: Report 1
Report Open: October 1, 2024
Report Due: October 31, 2024
  • FY 2022: Final Report and Subgrant Evaluation
  • FY 2022: Federal Report 2

  • FY 2023: Report 2
  • FY 2023: Federal Report 1
Report Open: February 1, 2025
Report Due: February 28, 2025
  • FY 2022: Federal Report 3 (Final)

  • FY 2023: Report 3
Report Open: July 1, 2025
Report Due: July 31, 2025
  • FY 2023: Report 4
Report Open: October 1, 2025
Report Due: October 31, 2025
  • FY 2023: Final Report and Subgrant Evaluation
  • FY 2023: Federal Report 2
Report Open: February 1, 2026
Report Due: February 28, 2026
  • FY 2023: Federal Report 3 (Final)
FY 2023

FY 2023 ESSA CSI LEA Subgrant Reporting Dates
FY 2023 Federal Reporting Dates

FY 2023 ESSA CSI LEA Subgrant Reporting Dates
Report Name Reporting Data Performance Period Reporting Window
Report 1
  • Funding Plan Adjustment
  • Budget Summary
  • Expenditures
March 18, 2024, to
June 30, 2024
Report Open: July 1, 2024
Report Due: July 31, 2024
Report 2
  • CSI Plan Approval and/or Adoption Dates
  • Expenditures
July 1, 2024, to
September 30, 2024
Report Open: October 1, 2024
Report Due: October 31, 2024
Report 3
  • Expenditures
October 1, 2024, to
January 31, 2025
Report Open: February 1, 2025
Report Due: February 28, 2025
Report 4
  • Expenditures
February 1, 2025, to
June 30, 2025
Report Open: July 1, 2025
Report Due: July 31, 2025
Final Report and Subgrant Evaluation
  • Final Expenditures and Closeout Report
  • Subgrant Performance Report
July 1, 2025, to
September 30, 2025
(Subgrant End Date)
Report Open: October 1, 2025
Report Due: October 31, 2025

Actual expenditures for each performance period within the subgrant period shall be reported to the CDE as part of regular subgrant management and administration. The table above details reporting information and timelines for FY 2023 CSI funds.

In addition to standard expenditure reporting requirements for each performance period, the LEA must submit a Budget Summary and Budget Narrative with Report 1. The Budget Summary will combine LEA- and school-level budget amounts by Object Code for each authorized funding category, as applicable.

In addition, Report 2 requires the LEA to report the date the CSI plan was approved/adopted by the school and LEA. The Final Report and Subgrant Evaluation requires the LEA to submit final expenditure data, a Final Budget Summary, and a Subgrant Performance Report. The CDE will provide additional guidance for reporting requirements. If the CDE does not receive the required reports, funding may be delayed or the CDE may bill the LEA to recover funds distributed to the LEA.

Reported expenditures are used for the purpose of calculating the LEA’s apportionment. The use of federal funds must be consistent with the Office of Management and Budget’s (OMB) Uniform Administrative Requirements, Cost Principles, and Audit Requirements for Federal Awards; ESSA requirements, and requirements in the 2023‒24 ESSA CSI LEA Application for Funding.

The acceptance and approval of reported expenditures does not preclude the CDE in any way from conducting program monitoring or audits.

For more information about subgrant closeout for CSI LEA funds, please visit the CDE ESSA CSI LEA Subgrant Closeout web page.

FY 2023 Federal Reporting Dates

The CDE is required to meet reporting requirements under ESSA, Section 1003(i) for school improvement funds. In the GMART, under the Federal Report tab, LEAs will report:

  • The amount of funds each CSI-eligible school received (not spent), and

  • The types of strategies implemented in each school with such funds.

LEAs will be required to report the required data under the Federal Reports tab in the GMART in alignment with the Federal Reporting Timeline below.

Federal Reporting Timeline for FY 2023 CSI Funds

(2023–24 ESSA Assistance Status Data File)

Report Name Federal FY Reporting Time Period
(Date Period Covered)
Reporting Window Aligned to Subgrant Report Period
Federal Report 1 School Year (SY) 2023–24
(March 18, 2024, to June 30, 2024)
Report Open: October 1, 2024
Report Due: October 31, 2024
Federal Report 2 SY 2024–25
(July 1, 2024, to June 30, 2025)
Report Open: October 1, 2025
Report Due: October 31, 2025
Federal Report 3 SY 2025–26
(July 1, 2025, to September 30, 2025)
Report Open: February 1, 2026
Report Due: February 28, 2026
FY 2022

FY 2022 ESSA CSI LEA Subgrant Reporting Dates
FY 2022 Federal Reporting Dates

FY 2022 ESSA CSI LEA Subgrant Reporting Dates
Report Name Reporting Data Performance Period Reporting Window
Report 1
  • Funding Plan Adjustment
  • Budget Summary
  • Expenditures
March 13, 2023, to
June 30, 2023
Report Open: July 1, 2023
Report Due: July 31, 2023
Report 2
  • CSI Plan Approval and/or Adoption Dates
  • Expenditures
July 1, 2023, to
September 30, 2023
Report Open: October 1, 2023
Report Due: October 31, 2023
Report 3
  • Expenditures
October 1, 2023, to
January 31, 2024
Report Open: February 1, 2024
Report Due: February 29, 2024
Report 4
  • Expenditures
February 1, 2024, to
June 30, 2024
Report Open: July 1, 2024
Report Due: July 31, 2024
Final Report and Subgrant Evaluation
  • Final Expenditures and Closeout Report
  • Subgrant Performance Report
July 1, 2024, to
September 30, 2024
(Subgrant End Date)
Report Open: October 1, 2024
Report Due: October 31, 2024

Actual expenditures for each performance period within the subgrant period shall be reported to the CDE as part of regular subgrant management and administration. The table above details reporting information and timelines for FY 2022 CSI funds.

In addition to standard expenditure reporting requirements for each performance period, the LEA must submit a Budget Summary and Budget Narrative with Report 1. The Budget Summary will combine LEA- and school-level budget amounts by Object Code for each authorized funding category, as applicable.

In addition, Report 2 requires the LEA to report the date the CSI plan was approved/adopted by the school and LEA. The Final Report and Subgrant Evaluation requires the LEA to submit final expenditure data, a Final Budget Summary, and a Subgrant Performance Report. The CDE will provide additional guidance for reporting requirements. If the CDE does not receive the required reports, funding may be delayed or the CDE may bill the LEA to recover funds distributed to the LEA.

Reported expenditures are used for the purpose of calculating the LEA’s apportionment. The use of federal funds must be consistent with the Office of Management and Budget’s (OMB) Uniform Administrative Requirements, Cost Principles, and Audit Requirements for Federal Awards; ESSA requirements, and requirements in the 2022‒23 ESSA CSI LEA Application for Funding.

The acceptance and approval of reported expenditures does not preclude the CDE in any way from conducting program monitoring or audits.

For more information about subgrant closeout for CSI LEA funds, please visit the CDE ESSA CSI LEA Subgrant Closeout web page.

FY 2022 Federal Reporting Dates

The CDE is required to meet reporting requirements under ESSA, Section 1003(i) for school improvement funds. In the GMART, under the Federal Report tab, LEAs will report:

  • The amount of funds each CSI-eligible school received (not spent), and

  • The types of strategies implemented in each school with such funds.

LEAs will be required to report the required data under the Federal Reports tab in the GMART in alignment with the Federal Reporting Timeline below.

Federal Reporting Timeline for FY 2022 CSI Funds

(2022–23 ESSA Assistance Status Data File)

Report Name Federal FY Reporting Time Period
(Date Period Covered)
Reporting Window Aligned to Subgrant Report Period
Federal Report 1 School Year (SY) 2022–23
(March 13, 2023, to June 30, 2023)
Report Open: October 1, 2023
Report Due: October 31, 2023
Federal Report 2 SY 2023–24
(July 1, 2023, to June 30, 2024)
Report Open: October 1, 2024
Report Due: October 31, 2024
Federal Report 3 SY 2024–25
(July 1, 2024, to September 30, 2024)
Report Open: February 1, 2025
Report Due: February 28, 2025

Information pertaining to all closed out CSI LEA subgrants can be found on the
CSI LEA Archives web page.

Questions:   School Improvement and Support Office | | 916-319-0833
Last Reviewed: Friday, March 08, 2024
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