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2024-25 Fall 1 and Fall 2 Conversion of Certification Validation Rules to Certification Data Discrepancies.

To:           Local Educational Agency (LEA) Representatives

From:      California Department of Education (CDE)
                California Longitudinal Pupil Achievement Data System (CALPADS) Team

Date:       October 16, 2024

SubjectCALPADS Update FLASH #289

2024−25 Fall 1 and Fall 2 Conversion of Certification Validation Rules to Certification Data Discrepancies

The California Department of Education (CDE) and California School Information Services (CSIS) understand the importance of ensuring a stable, well-functioning system and continue to make improvements to enhance system usability and performance.

As part of this ongoing effort, the CDE and CSIS are in the process of converting all eligible Certification Validation Rules (CVRs) to Data Discrepancies (DDs), which become Certification Data Discrepancies (CDDs) when a submission window opens. This conversion benefits local educational agencies (LEAs) because they will be able to view and resolve errors on an ongoing basis throughout the year. This lessens the workload of resolving errors during a submission window, thereby providing more time for LEA staff to review reports to ensure accuracy. This change also shortens the revisioning process, since fewer CVRs will run following a revision, which will provide LEAs access to revisions sooner.

Fall 1 CVR Conversions

Of the existing 14 Fall 1 CVRs, 11 have already been converted to DDs/CDDs, and the CVRs themselves have been disabled. Three CVRs cannot be converted to DDs/CDDs and will remain as fatal CVRs. Table 1 in this Flash summarizes all the Fall 1 CVRs and identifies whether they have been disabled and converted to a DD/CDD, or enabled and will remain as a CVR.

Table 1: Fall 1 CVR Conversions

CVR # Error Short Message Severity Level Error Description New CDD# Existing CVR Status
CERT001 Enrollment Data Missing for Expected Open School Fatal (F) No student enrollment data is included for an open school that is specified for the collection. N/A Enabled
CERT002 Missing Closed School Data F A school that closed since the previous year’s Annual Enrollment Update and prior to the current year Census Day has not submitted exit records for all students with open enrollments. SENR0670F1 Disabled
CERT004 Ethnicity/ Race Data Missing F A student has no Ethnicity/Race data. SENR0661F1 Disabled
CERT019 Dropouts in Grades 9-12 but no certified Enrollment Last Year in Grades 9-12 F Dropouts are being reported for grades 9-12, but this school had no certified enrollment in grades 9-12 in the previous year. N/A Enabled
CERT040 *SSID Anomalies in Snapshot Exceed 2 percent of Enrollment F The total number of SSID anomalies in the Snapshot is equal to or greater than 2 percent of Snapshot enrollment. N/A Enabled
CERT041 All intra-LEA *CCEs must be resolved before certifying F All intra-LEA CCEs must be resolved before certifying. SENR0041F1 Disabled
CERT067 *ELAS Student Not Reported F A student enrolled has no SELA record. SENR0643F1 Disabled
CERT106 Invalid "TBD" English Language Acquisition Status Code Warning (W) If a student with a Primary enrollment has an English Language Acquisition Code = "TBD" and the Student Grade Level Code is not equal to "AD", "IN", "TD", "TK" or "PS", then the student must also have been enrolled for less than 30 days, since the agency has 30 days to test the student out of TBD status.
SENR0657F1 Disabled
CERT110 Invalid Open or Closed Title I Part C Migrant Record W The Education Program Membership Start and End Date range for Title I Part C Migrant Program (135) record is outside of the maximum eligibility period of 3 years for this program. Eligibility must be renewed every 3 years. SPRG0659F1 Disabled
CERT111 Homeless Program Eligibility Data Expected W No Homeless Program eligible students were submitted for an LEA N/A Disabled
CERT112 Student Enrollment Record in Previous Academic Year (AY) Not Exited F A student that was enrolled any time between July 1 and June 30 of the previous Academic Year and has not been exited prior to August 16 of the Active Academic Year. SENR0317F1 Disabled
CERT113 Missing Student Initial US School Enrollment Date K-12 F If Student Grade Level Code = TK, KN, 01, 02, 03, 04, 05, 06, 07, 08, 09, 10, 11, 12
English Language Acquisition
Status = EL
Student Initial US School Enrollment Date must be populated
SENR0656F1 Disabled
CERT114 No Enrollment following E150 exit F If most recent enrollment contains Exit Code E150, then subsequent Enrollment is required SENR0674F1 Disabled
CERT146 Language Instruction Program record missing for English Learner F The student must have an overlapping SPRG record where Education Program Code is equal to a Language Instructional Program (LIP codes 300-307) if the most recent SELA record during the Reporting Period has English Language Acquisition Status Code = EL SENR0644F1 Disabled

*Academic Year (AY); Concurrent Enrollment (CCE); English Language Acquisition Status (ELAS); Not applicable (N/A); Statewide Student Identifier (SSID).

Fall 2 CVR Conversions

Of the existing 22 Fall 2 CVRs, 13 will be converted to DDs/CDDs, 6 will remain as warnings, and 3 will be disabled and not converted to DDs/CDDs. These changes will be released to the production environment over the next two months, and all changes will be in the production environment no later than December 16, 2024. Table 2 in this Flash summarizes all the Fall 2 CVRs and identifies whether they will be disabled and converted to a DD/CDD, or enabled and will remain as a CVR.

Table 2: Fall 2 CVRs Conversions

CVR # Error Short Message Severity Level Error Description CVR to CDD# Status of DD/CDD Existing CVR Status
CERT004 Ethnicity / Race Data Missing Fatal (F) A student has no Ethnicity/Race data SENR
Pending Enabled
CERT005 Student Course Section for SSID Not Enrolled on Census Day F A student course section record was submitted for an SSID that was not enrolled on Census Day SCSE
Pending Enabled
CERT046 Staff FTE** > 200% or <5% F The sum of Staff FTE for all Job Classifications for an individual staff member in the LEA is either more than 200 percent or less than percent SASS
Pending Enabled
CERT047 Teaching Staff Assignment Missing F A course section record includes a SEID** for which there is no valid teaching assignment information CRSE
Pending Enabled
CERT048 Missing non-classroom based assignment or course section record F A Teacher (see CALPADS Glossary) was reported who was employed on Census Day and has no Non-classroom based job assignments or assigned Course Section records SDEM
Pending Enabled
CERT049 No Demographics for a Staff Assignment F A Staff Assignment was reported for a SEID** that has no Staff Demographic record SASS
Pending Enabled
CERT050 Pupil Services Staff Assignment Missing Warning (W) There are no administrators at the School None N/A Enabled
CERT051 Pupil Services Staff Assignment Missing W There are no pupil services staff at the School None N/A Enabled
CERT052 Itinerant or Pull-Out/Push-In Teacher Staff Assignment Missing W There are no Itinerant or Pull-out/Push-in Teachers at the LEA None N/A Enabled
CERT053 Teacher Staff Assignment Missing W There is no staff assignment information for Teachers at the School None N/A Enabled
CERT054 Staff Demographics Missing F A Course Section includes a SEID for which there is no demographic information None N/A Pending to be disabled and no DD/CDD
CERT075 Teacher not Employed on Report Date F A teacher with a course section assignment was not employed during the Report Period None N/A Pending to be disabled and no DD/CDD
CERT076 Staff Member not Employed during the Report Period F A staff member with a non-classroom/support assignment was not employed during the Report Period None N/A Pending to be disabled and no DD/CDD
CERT079 No Enrollment for Course Section F A course section does not have any associated student course section records CRSE
Pending Enabled
CERT081 No Student Course Section Data for a Short Term Enrolled Student W No course section data was submitted for a student with Enrollment Status of Short Term SCSE

Pending Enabled
CERT082 Multiple Teachers Expected for Class F Two or more Course Section records with the same Class ID and different SEIDS are expected for a Course Section with the Multiple Teacher Code populated. CRSE 0688F2 Pending Enabled
CERT084 No Staff Assignment for Demographics F Staff Demographics was reported for a SEID that has no Staff Assignments SDEM
Pending Enabled
CERT104 Course Section Missing Education Service Code F The Education Service Code field (9.20) is not populated for a course section in which English Learners are enrolled CRSE
Pending Enabled
CERT108 Total FTE to Total Staff ratio is greater than 1.25 or less than .75 W The total Staff Assignment FTE data submitted for the LEA varies +/- 25 percent from the total number of Staff and thus may be over/understated None N/A Enabled
CERT109 Missing Employment Status Category F The Employment Status Category is Missing for a Teacher SASS
Pending Enabled
CERT172 No CTE PSTS** (Fall 2) Data Submitted for a School W There is no CTE PSTS data submitted for a school None N/A Enabled
CERT173 Multiple Teacher Code Missing F If there are two or more CRSE records with the same Class ID, Course Section ID, and School of Course Delivery, but with different SEIDS, then Multiple Teacher Code should be populated for each record. CRSE
Pending Enabled

**FTE = Full-Time Equivalent; SEID = Statewide Educator Identifier; CTE = Career Technical Education; PSTS = Postsecondary Transition Status (file name)

Questions:   CALPADS Office | | 916-324-6738
Service and Support: CALPADS-CSIS Service Desk | | 916-325-9210
Last Reviewed: Friday, October 18, 2024
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