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Education Equity (EE) Reviews

The Office of Equal Opportunity (OEO) ensures compliance with state and federal civil rights laws, and regulations in the delivery of education services.

General Information

The California Department Education (CDE) has direct programmatic responsibility pursuant to Education Code (EC) section 253(b) to conduct annually 20 reviews of local education agencies (LEA’s) for compliance with sex discrimination laws. Education Equity (EE) Reviews are conducted to ensure Agencies have met their legal obligations to provide access to all students, irrespective of protected group characteristics, and to provide students a full opportunity to participate in the learning environment.


EE Selection Criteria

Pursuant to EC 253, the OEO selects school districts subject to review. LEAs are selected, annually, from each of the following categories:

  1. Those districts within which the greatest number of sex discrimination complaints have been filed since its previous coordinated compliance review;
  2. Those districts with the largest enrollments;
  3. All other districts, selected on a random basis.

Data used during the selection process is the most frequent; relevant and prominent data.

LEAs Selected for Reviews

2023-24 Schedule for Education Equity Reviews
This is the list of LEAs selected for an Education Equity Review.

Program Instrument

2023-24 Education Equity Program Instrument (PDF)
The Education Equity Review contains specific state and federal legal requirements that will be tested during the monitoring process. The instrument provides examples of evidence that may be used to demonstrate compliance. Please note that the instrument is updated on an annual basis.

CDE Monitoring Tool (CMT)

The CDE Monitoring Tool (CMT) is a new Web-based tool, developed by the California Department of Education (CDE) to facilitates the monitoring of local educational agencies (LEAs) to ensure that they meet fiscal and program requirements of federal categorical programs and State funding they receive.

The CDE offers hands-on training in the use of its CDE Monitoring Tool (CMT). The training is delivered via Zoom. Participants may choose one of two sessions and each training session is approximately two hours. The content of each session allows staff the opportunity to learn and practice essential Federal Program Monitoring (FPM) tasks, such as: accessing CMT, managing documents, responding to evidence requests and communicating in CMT.

For additional information regarding the California Department of Education’s use of CMT, please visit the CMT Web page.


Gender Equity/Title IX - Equal Opportunity & Access

Questions: | 916-445-9174
Last Reviewed: Tuesday, December 31, 2024
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