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Year 1 GEER I Fund Annual Reporting

Information on Year 1 Annual Reporting for the Governor's Emergency Education Relief (GEER) I Fund

Please note: the information on this page refers only to Year 1 GEER I Annual Report, which included expenditure information from March 13, 2020 – September 30, 2020. This is for documentation purposes only, as the annual reporting requirements have changed per guidance from the U.S. Department of Education beginning in Year 2. Updated guidance can be found on the Federal Stimulus Annual Reporting Help Page.

GEER I Fund Annual Reporting

The GEER I Fund is a subset of the federal Education Stabilization Fund, and was created by the Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security (CARES) Act. Pursuant to Section 18002 of the CARES Act, funding is allocated to states based on a combination of their relative population of school aged individuals and their number of children counted under section 1124(c) of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act of 1965 (ESEA) funding.

The GEER I is also one of three funding sources that make up the Learning Loss Mitigation Fund (LLMF). The LLMF was created by Sec. 110 of Senate Bill (SB) 98 (Committee on Budget and Fiscal Review, Ch. 24, Statutes of 2020) and subsequently amended by Section 59 of SB 820 (Committee on Budget and Fiscal Review, Ch. 110, Statutes of 2020). LLMF is distributed to local educational agencies (LEAs) based on three separate formulas, and is to be used for activities that directly support academic achievement and mitigate learning loss related to COVID-19 school closures. Funds may be used to support individuals served by LEAs, including, but not limited to, those enrolled in a childcare program, California state preschool program, kindergarten, any of grades 1 to 12, inclusive, and adult education programs. Funds shall be expended consistent with the purposes outlined in Section 110(d) of SB 98, as amended by SB 820.

The Resource Code for the GEER I being reported is 3215.

Additional information about LLMF, including preliminary allocations, may be found at the LLMF web page.

Fund Overview

Indicate if the LEA has served students and teachers in both Title 1 and Non-Title 1 schools, or only students and teachers in Title 1 schools, with its GEER I allocation. (Resource Code 3210)

Amounts Expended

This section contains expenditure information about the LEA’s GEER I allocation, including the number of public and non-public schools served.

Previously Reported Expenditures

This amount is prepopulated based on the data the LEA submitted to the CDE as part of Cycle 1 GEER I reporting (March 13 – September 30). This amount is point in time, and does not reflect any subsequent adjustments.

Amount Expended by the LEA for Public Schools

Based on the prepopulated amount above, indicate the dollar amount expended for Public Schools. Enter the amount in whole numbers without decimals, commas, or other punctuation

Please note, when combined with the Amount for Non-Public schools, the total must equal the Previously Reported Expenditures.

Number of Public Schools Served

Provide the number of public schools served. For school districts and county offices of education (COEs), please consider each school site, including locally funded charter schools, separately (e.g., if a district appropriated GEER I funds to 5 out of 10 school sites, enter 5). For direct funded charter schools, please consider the charter as a single school.

Amount Expended by the LEA for Equitable Services for Non-Public School Students and Teachers

Based on the prepopulated amount above, indicate the dollar amount expended for Public Schools. Enter the amount in whole numbers without decimals, commas, or other punctuation

Please note, when combined with the Amount for Public schools, the total must equal the Previously Reported Expenditures.

Number of Non-Public Schools Served

Provide the number of non-public schools served.

Current Total Expended (Public + Non-Public Expenditures)

This amount is automatically populated based on the LEA’s entries for the amounts expended for public and non-public schools. In order to complete the report without error, this amount must equal the Previously Reported Expenditures.

Use of GEER I Funds

This section contains expenditure information about the LEA’s GEER expenditures.


Please use the following guidelines when completing this section:

  • Answer each question about the use of GEER I funds. Certain responses will trigger additional follow up.
  • The reporting period is between March 13, 2020, and September 30, 2020.

If an LEA has not expended GEER I funds, the response to each question should be “No.”

Please note, if the LEA used GEER I funds to provide dedicated learning devices to any students, the LEA is required to provide the number of devices broken down by Elementary and Secondary school, as well as the total enrollment as of September 30, 2020, for each school type. If an LEA consists of only Elementary schools or only Secondary schools, please enter 0s for the school type that does not apply.


The following are the reporting categories, including all additional follow up questions (may not apply given the LEA’s uses of GEER funds):

  1. Purchasing educational technology (including hardware, software, and connectivity), which may include assistive technology or adaptive equipment:
    1. Did this LEA use GEER funds to provide home Internet access to any students:
      1. Mobile hotspots with paid data plans:
      2. Internet connected devices with paid data plans:
      3. District pays for the cost of home Internet subscription for student:
      4. District provides home Internet access through a district-managed wireless network:
      5. Other:
        • Please Specify:
    2. Did the LEA use GEER funds to provide dedicated learning devices to any students:
      • Elementary
        • Students with dedicated device provided by the LEA:
        • Students enrolled on September 30, 2020:
      • Secondary
        • Students with dedicated device provided by the LEA:
        • Students enrolled on September 30, 2020:
  2. Activities focused specifically to addressing the unique needs of low-income children or students, children with disabilities, English learners, racial and ethnic minorities, students experiencing homelessness, and foster care youth:
  3. Providing mental health services and supports:
  4. Sanitization and minimizing the spread of infectious diseases, including cleaning supplies and staff training to address sanitization and minimizing the spread of infectious diseases:
  5. Summer learning and supplemental afterschool programs:
  6. Other (uses of funds not included above):
    • Please Specify:

FTE Positions

Please enter the number of full-time equivalent positions for the LEA as of the listed dates. Positions should be listed regardless of funding source, and include instructional and non-instructional staff and contractors.

Contact Information

Please provide the first and last name, title, email address, telephone number, and telephone extension (if applicable) of the individual completing the report. If the CDE has a question concerning the report, the CDE will first attempt to contact the individual listed.

Finishing the Report

Once the report is complete, an LEA must save the report by clicking the “Save Data” button at the bottom of the page. If there is an issue, the reporting portal will indicate there are errors to be reviewed at the top of the webpage. If there are no errors (or any errors have been resolved), you will see the message “Your data have been saved.” At that point, the report is complete (there is no submittal button/process).

It is possible to confirm if a complete report was saved at any time by confirming there is a “Date Submitted” to the far right of the reporting link on the main page of the reporting application.

Questions:   CDE Federal Stimulus Team |
Last Reviewed: Wednesday, January 22, 2025
Recently Posted in Federal Stimulus Funding