Dashboard Resources
An extensive selection of resources relating to the California School Dashboard for parents, educators, and communities.Dashboard Communications Toolkit
User-friendly resources relevant to the 2024 Dashboard.
Understanding the Dashboard
The following tabs serve as the point of access to a wide variety of resources specifically developed to support educators and community members better understand the Dashboard.
Dashboard Measures
The California School Dashboard displays the performance of districts, schools, and student groups on a specific set of state and local measures.
State measures are based on student data that are annually collected across the state and apply to all districts, schools, and student groups. To learn more about a state measure, select from the list below:
- Academic Performance
- Chronic Absenteeism
- College/Career
- English Learner Progress
- Graduation Rate
- Suspension Rate
- Science
Local measures are based on data collected at the local level and apply to all districts and charter schools. To learn more about the local measures that are submitted by districts onto the Dashboard, visit the Local Indicators web page.
General Overview of the California School Dashboard
A perfect place to start for parents, educators, and community members who are interested in accessing a broad overview of the California School Dashboard. This page contains:
- User-Friendly Flyers
- Guide for Parents (and for Those New to the Dashboard)
- Videos
- Archived Materials
Start your learning journey with these one-to-two-page flyers that help simplify the use and understanding of the Dashboard.
- Getting to Know the California School Dashboard (PDF)
- Getting to Know the Dashboard State Measures(PDF)
- How Colors are Determined(PDF)
- How to View Performance of a School or District on the Dashboard(PDF)
- Exploring the Equity Report(PDF)
- How to Compare Schools on the Dashboard(PDF)
- Getting to Know the Local Measures(PDF)
- Information on Local Measures for Parents(PDF)
Translated flyers are available on the Translations Tab.
Guide for Parents (and for Those New to the Dashboard)
2024 Parent Guide to the California School Dashboard(PDF)
An easy-to-understand guide developed for parents and anyone new to the Dashboard. This document contains an overview of the local and state measures and how performance is measured and reported on the Dashboard.
Build your foundational knowledge of the Dashboard with these brief videos!
- The California School Dashboard – Let the Conversation Begin
(Video; 1:53)
This two-minute video explains why the California School Dashboard is the “ultimate conversation starter” and how it can lead to better planning and better results for our kids. - The California School Dashboard – My Dad
(Video; 1:36)
In this animated video a student explains how her dad used the Dashboard to learn about her school and how it was performing on key state measures. - The California School Dashboard – Around the Dashboard in 90 Seconds
(Video; 1:46)
This short video explains how the Dashboard helps us all understand how well our schools are doing – and where improvement is needed. - The California School Dashboard – Steering Our Schools to Success
(Video; 1:41)
The video describes how the Dashboard helps all of us gain a better sense of what is happening in our schools. This information leads to more conversations and input, so school leaders can plan and make decisions that help all of our children succeed.
Spanish Translation of videos are available on the Translations tab.
Technical Information on the California School Dashboard
This page takes the guess work out of Dashboard state indicators by offering technical documents and user-friendly flyers that help enhance your knowledge on the calculation formulas and business rules used to produce each indicator. This page also contains instructions on how to check your data before it is used for the Dashboard and information on the state’s alternative schools. Select from one of the available resources below:
- Flyers
- Dashboard Technical Guide
- Handbook Connecting CALPADS to the Dashboard
- Dashboard Alternative School Status (DASS) Resources
- Crosswalk Between the Dashboard and DataQuest
Flyers for educators that explain the Dashboard and the rules used in an easy-to-read summarized format are available in the latest Dashboard Communications Toolkit.
Dashboard Technical Guide
The 2024 Dashboard Technical Guide is your key to unlocking how the state indicators are calculated. This guide covers an extensive review of each state indicator by covering calculation formulas, business rules, student examples, and general information about California’s accountability system. The guide also provides self-reflection tools adopted by the State Board of Education that are used by local educational agencies (LEAs) to report their progress through the Dashboard. Detailed information on the rules used to determine schools and LEAs eligible for support are also covered.
Handbook: Connecting California Longitudinal Pupil Achievement Data System (CALPADS) to the Dashboard
The 2023–24 Handbook(DOCX) is a user-friendly tool filled with print screens to help you pinpoint and navigate through specific CALPADS Reports that relate to Dashboard state indicators. Download the handbook to confirm your CALPADS data before it is used for the Dashboard!
Dashboard Alternative School Status (DASS) Resources
Schools that serve high-risk students are eligible to participate in the DASS program, which applies modified measures to select state indicators. For information and resources on the DASS program for alternative schools, please refer to the DASS web page.
Crosswalk Between the Dashboard and DataQuest
Data Crosswalk for the California School Dashboard and DataQuest (DOCX)
A short overview of the differences in the way that data are produced for DataQuest and the California School Dashboard.
Prior year technical resources are available on the Archived Dashboard Technical Information web page.
Data Files
Downloadable data files and associated record layouts pertaining to the data released on the California School Dashboard.
Dashboard State Indicators
Chronic Absenteeism Rate Indicator
English Learner Progress Indicator
Dashboard Local Indicators
To better serve our diverse communities across the state, specific California School Dashboard materials have been translated to help bring the Dashboard closer to home. Select one of the links below to access these materials:
Build a foundational knowledge of the Dashboard with these brief videos:
Bienvenido al Dashboard Escolar de California. Que comience la conversaciónes
(Video; 2:12)
El tablero de la escuela de California es el lugar donde puede obtener más información y más. El Tablero nos ayuda a todos (padres, familias, estudiantes, maestros) a ver qué tan bien están nuestras escuelas y estudiantes y dónde se necesita mejorar.
Tablero Escolar de California - Mi Papá
(Video; 1:50)
Un anuncio animado narrado por una chica que habla sobre su padre y cómo aprendió sobre su escuela a través del nuevo Dashboard Escolar.
Tablero Escolar de California - Un Vistazo al Dashboard en 90 Segundos
(Video; 2:01)
El Dashboard está diseñado para ayudarnos a comprender qué tan bien se están desempeñando en nuestras escuelas y dónde se necesita mejorar.
Tablero Escolar de California - Dirigiendo Nuestras Escuelas Al Éxito
(Video; 2:01)
El Dashboard Escolar de California nos ayuda a todos a tener una mejor idea de lo que está sucediendo en nuestras escuelas.
El California School Dashboard Video para los Padres
(Video; 3:41)
Translated in the top seven languages, these one-to-two page documents provide a simple explanation of the Dashboard.
Getting to Know the California School Dashboard (Translated)
- Getting to Know the California School Dashboard (English) (PDF)
- التعريف بلوحة المعلومات المدرسية لولاية كاليفورنيا (Arabic) (PDF)
- 了解加州学校仪表板 (Simplified Chinese) (PDF)
- 了解加州學校儀表板 (Traditional Chinese) (PDF)
- آشنایی با داشبورد مدرسه کالیفرنیا (Farsi) (PDF)
- Знакомство с информационной платформой школ штата Калифорнии (Russian) (PDF)
- Conociendo el Tablero de Información Escolar de California (Spanish) (PDF)
- Tìm Hiểu về Bảng Đồng Hồ Theo Dõi Trường Học California (Vietnamese) (PDF)
Getting to Know the Dashboard State Measures (Translated)
- Getting to Know the Measures (English)(PDF)
- التعرف على مقاييس الولاية (Arabic)(PDF)
- 了解州指标 (Simplified Chinese)(PDF)
- 了解州分措施 (Traditional Chinese)(PDF)
- آشنایی با معیارهای ایالتی (Farsi)(PDF)
- Показатели успеваемости, используемые в штате (Russian)(PDF)
- Familiarizándonos con las medidas del estado (Spanish)(PDF)
- Tìm Hiểu Các Thước Đo Đánh Giá của Tiểu Bang (Vietnamese)(PDF)
How to View Performance of a School or District on the Dashboard
- How to View Performance of a School or District on the Dashboard(PDF)
- 如何在管理中心上查看表現 (Traditional Chinese)(PDF)
- Cómo visualizar el rendimiento en el Tablero (Spanish)(PDF)
- Paano Makikita sa Dashboard ang Performance (Tagalog)(PDF)
- Cách Xem Thành Tích trên Bảng Thông Tin (Vietnamese)(PDF)
Exploring the Equity Report
- Exploring the Equity Report(PDF)
- 探索公平報告 (Traditional Chinese)(PDF)
- Análisis de los informes de equidad (Spanish)(PDF)
- Alamin ang tungkol sa Ulat sa Equity (Tagalog)(PDF)
- Đọc Hiểu Báo Cáo về Tính Công Bằng (Vietnamese)(PDF)
How to Compare Schools on the Dashboard
- How to Compare Schools on the Dashboard(PDF)
- 如何在管理中心比較學校表現 (Traditional Chinese)(PDF)
- Cómo comparar escuelas en el Tablero (Spanish)(PDF)
- Paano Pagkumparahin ang mga Paaralan sa Dashboard (Tagalog)(PDF)
- Cách So Sánh Trường Học trên Bảng Thông Tin (Vietnamese)(PDF)
English Learner Students on the Dashboard
- English Learner Students on the California School Dashboard(PDF)
- لطلاب متعلمو اللغة الإنجليزية المُسجلونعلى لوحة معلومات منطقة كاليفورنيا التعليمية(Arabic)(PDF)
- 加州学校仪表盘上显示的英语学习者学生" (Simplified Chinese)(PDF)
- 加州學校儀錶板上的英語學習生 (Traditional Chinese)(PDF)
- دانش آموزان فراگیر زبان انگلیسی در داشبورد مدارس کالیفرنیا" (Farsi)(PDF)
- Учащиеся, изучающие английский язык, на информационной панели школ Калифорнии" (Russian)(PDF)
- Estudiantes aprendices de inglés en el Tablero de información escolar de California" (Spanish)(PDF)
- Học Sinh Chương Trình Học Sinh Anh Ngữ trên Trang Tổng Quan Trường Học California" (Vietnamese)(PDF)
Information on the Participation Rate (Translated)
- Information on the Participation Rate(PDF)
- حساب معدل المشاركة للمؤشرات الأكاديمية على لوحة المعلومات (Arabic)(PDF)
- 仪表盘”上的“学术指标”参试率计算 (Simplified Chinese)(PDF)
- 適用於管理中心的學業指標參與率計算 (Traditional Chinese)(PDF)
- محاسبه نرخ مشارکت شاخص تحصیلی برای داشبورد (Farsi)(PDF)
- Расчет коэффициента участия как составляющей показателя академической успеваемости на информационной платформе (Russian)(PDF)
- Cálculo de la tasa de participación del indicador académico para el Tablero de información escolar (Spanish)(PDF)
- Cách Tính Toán Tỷ Lệ Tham Gia theo Chỉ Số Học Thuật cho Trang Tổng Quan (Vietnamese)(PDF)
Information on Local Measures for Parents (Translated)
- Information on Local Measures for Parents(PDF)
- معلومات عن المقاييس المحلية لأولياء الأمور (Arabic)(PDF)
- 针对家长的地方指标信息 (Simplified Chinese)(PDF)
- 家長的當地指標資料 (Traditional Chinese)(PDF)
- اطلاعات مربوط به معیارهای محلی برای والدین (Farsi)(PDF)
- Информация о местных показателях успеваемости учащихся для родителей (Russian)(PDF)
- Información para padres sobre las mediciones locales (Spanish)(PDF)
- Thông tin về Thước đo đánh giá địa phương dành cho Phụ huynh (Vietnamese)(PDF)
District Resources
Una guía para el administrador del predio escolar: Cómo hablar con los padres sobre el Tablero de mando escolar de California (California School Dashboard)(PPTX)
A customizable slidedeck for site admins to use when
providing information about the Dashboard.
El Tablero Escolar de California Conocido como “Dashboard” (Spanish)(PDF)
Provide knowledge to parents so that they can understand the Dashboard and assist in the Local Control and Accountability Plan (LCAP).
Frequently Asked Questions
The sections below address the most commonly asked questions about California's accountability system.
- Comprehensive Support and Improvement (CSI) – Graduation Rate FAQs
- Academic Indicator FAQs
- Chronic Absenteeism Indicator FAQs
- College/Career Indicator FAQs
- English Learner Progress Indicator FAQs
- Graduation Rate Indicator FAQs
- Suspension Rate Indicator FAQs
- Science Indicator FAQs
- 2020 Data Release
- General Questions about the Dashboard
- Dashboard Navigator
- COVID-19 Accountability